Stevenage herts

Want 2 bed bugalow for 3 bed house stevenage 2x toilets . Walk in shower . Recently done . Large kitchen dinner recently decorated . Large lounge recently decorated . Medium back garden parking right outside property . Large front garden . Nice quiet area . Grt neighbours. Reason for wanting move is to be close to family . An place I wad born . All amineties within

Property Details:
3 bedroom house
Town: Stevenage
County: hertfordshire
Advert ID: 31249
Property Type Wanted:
2 bedroom house
Town Wanted: Toddington
County Wanted: bedfordshire
Viewed: 92 times
2 bed house looking for 2-3 bed house

I have a 2 bed terrace house in a quiet area of Luton. Right on the border next to the motorway. Chalton is 3 minutes away by car. The area is lovely, has a car parking space with kind and respectful neighbours. Property has a back garden with shed and bath bedrooms have been recently decorated aswell as the living room. I am looking for a 2/3 bed house/bungalow around

Property Details:
2 bedroom house
Town: Luton
County: bedfordshire
Advert ID: 6292
Property Type Wanted:
2 bedroom house
Town Wanted: Toddington
County Wanted: bedfordshire
Viewed: 786 times