Exchange wanted 1 Bedroom bungalow
We have a 1 bedroom bungalow with double glazed,gch,front and back gardens back garden fenced off,wet room with grab rails,driveway with gates,good neighbours,close to shops,doctors,libary,vets,dentist,hairdressers,Ashton centre,bus routes in to Wigan centre. We are looking for 1/2 bedroom bungalow with wet room,grab rails,gch,front and back gardens,with driveway,and ramp at front door,must be able to get in and out with wheel chair/power chair would like doors to be wide enough for chair's
Property Details:
1 bedroom bungalow
Town: Ashton In Makerfield
County: greater manchester
Advert ID: 1486
Property Type Wanted:
1 bedroom bungalow
Town Wanted: Gorse Covert
County Wanted: cheshire
Viewed: 833 times