1 Bed Bungalow

1 Bed Bungalow, with Medium sized rear garden, small front garden and driveway for two cars, on street parking also available. Gas central heating installed 3 years ago, along with new kitchen, bathroom, windows and doors. The whole property has recently been newly decorated in neutral colours and the bedroom has 1/2 panelling installed in the feature wall. Direct transport links to the city and other towns, doctor’s surgery, dentists,

Property Details:
1 bedroom bungalow
Town: Laurencekirk
County: aberdeenshire
Advert ID: 34875
Property Type Wanted:
1 bedroom bungalow
Town Wanted: Kirkwall
County Wanted: orkney islands
Viewed: 56 times
4 bed semi bungalow

I have a 4 bed 1 bathroom with separate toilet.large back garden and medium front Drive way barely fits one car. Need to admit it will need decorating but you always change decor in a new place. The garden also has huge potential but iam in no condition to do it. Looking for another 4 maybe 3 bed bungalow as I can't use stairs Smaller garden would be a bonus. Not
Property Details:
4 bedroom bungalow
Town: Laurencekirk
County: aberdeenshire
Advert ID: 32919
Property Type Wanted:
4 bedroom house
Town Wanted: Montrose
County Wanted: angus
Viewed: 96 times
Exchange wanted I have a 3 bedroom house

3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house Laurencekirk , wouldn?t move if didn?t have to but change of circumstances so looking to downsize to 2 bedroom , give someone the chance of a bigger house I?m looking for Stonehave

Property Details:
3 bedroom house
Town: Laurencekirk
County: aberdeenshire
Advert ID: 14453
Property Type Wanted:
2 bedroom house
Town Wanted: Stonehaven
County Wanted: aberdeenshire
Viewed: 569 times