1 bedroom flat
Looking for 1 bedroom in Livingston area
Property Details:
1 bedroom house
Town: Craigentinny
County: city of edinburgh
Advert ID: 29705
Property Type Wanted:
1 bedroom house
Town Wanted: Armadale
County Wanted: west lothian
Viewed: 73 times
I currently have a 2 bedroom flat on the third floor in craigentinny. I am looking to move from this area due to family no longer in this area. I had had this house for over 20 years with lovely neighbours and a shared large back garden. I would consider a 1 bedroom.
Property Details:
2 bedroom flat
Town: Craigentinny
County: city of edinburgh
Advert ID: 17202
Property Type Wanted:
2 bedroom flat
Town Wanted: Edinburgh
County Wanted: city of edinburgh
Viewed: 266 times
1 bedroom flat built 2019, close to city
Open plan living room/ kitchen. Large bedroom, inbuilt storage, bathroom with bath/shower above. Door entry system, good location.
Property Details:
1 bedroom flat
Town: Craigentinny
County: city of edinburgh
Advert ID: 23148
Property Type Wanted:
1 bedroom flat
Town Wanted: West Bridgford
County Wanted: nottinghamshire
Viewed: 82 times
Exchange Edinburgh to fife
End terrace house 2 bedroom massive garden and drive way lovely neighbourhood Findlay Medway
Property Details:
2 bedroom house
Town: Craigentinny
County: city of edinburgh
Advert ID: 21556
Property Type Wanted:
2 bedroom house
Town Wanted: Rosyth
County Wanted: fife
Viewed: 99 times